- Bridges
- Bridge over A 7
- Köhlbrand Bridge
- Hachmann Bridge
- Howaldt Bridge
- Shanghai Bridge
- Billbrook Canal Bridge
- Shin Chon Bridge
- Bang Na - Bang Pli-Bang Pakong Expressway
- Confederation Bridge
Railway Bridge - Extra-Dosed Bridge
Specification and
concepts - Triebischbach Bridge
- Bridge Infrastructure Renewal Program
- Carquinez Strait Bridge
- Rio Santa Lucia Bridge
- Bridge over Enz River
- Santos Bridge
- Rama IX
- Großhesselohe Bridge
- Grünental Bridge
- Structures
- Checking Engineering
- Studies
- Patents
- Publications
Santos Bridge, Brazil. Highway bridge between Santos Island and continent including two cable-stayed bridges with main spans of 600 m. Feasibility study and preliminary structural design (while working for Noronha Engenharia, Rio de Janeiro).