Bridge over A7, Germany. Reanalysis project; strongly skewed six-lane
road bridge with a span of 66.0 m and a width of 34.0 m; built at
Hamburg in 1970 transferring Kieler Street over motorway A7; orthotropic
steel deck supported by two steel box girders. Checking engineering and
structural analysis based on a refined shell element model (2016-2017). |
Köhlbrand Bridge, Germany. Reanalysis and retrofit project; cable-stayed
bridge built at Hamburg in 1974; two steel A-pylons; 88 full locked
cables in fan arrangement; steel box girder with orthotropic deck; deep
foundations on bored piles; spans of 97.5 – 325 – 97.5 m; height 135 m;
width 17 m; residual lifetime analysis and retrofit design. Checking
engineering (2015-2018). |
Hachmann Bridge, Germany. Reanalysis project; skew steel truss road and railway bridge with a span of 64.0 m and a width of 13.4 m; built at Hamburg in 1940; residual lifetime analysis and traffic load classification. Checking engineering (2015-2016). |
Howaldt Bridge, Germany. Reanalysis and retrofit project; skew steel
truss road bridge with a span of 64.0 m and a width of 13.4 m; built at
Hamburg in 1940; residual lifetime analysis; re-placement of concrete
deck and deck-supporting longitudinal steel girders; elaborate
scaffolding and housing suspended from bridge. Checking engineering and
site inspection (2014-2017). |
Shanghai Bridge, Germany. Road bridge at Hamburg with a length of 40.8 m and an overall width of 21.2 m; orthotropic steel deck supported by variable-height steel girders; pedestrian and bicycle paths on 5.1-m cantilever girders; frame system with inclined column fixed to one abutment; welding of all shop and site joints; pile foundations. Checking engineering. |
Billbrook Canal Bridge, Germany. Road bridge at Hamburg with one span of 50.55 m and an overall width of 18.15 m; orthotropic steel deck suspended from self-anchored tubular steel arch; arch tubes unbraced; hangers radially inclined; welding of all shop and site joints except hanger connections (bolted). Checking engineering. |
Shin Chon Bridge, Korea. Two prestressed concrete viaducts of 1050 m length, 5 main spans of 170 m each, monocellular concrete boxes built by free cantilever method, twin piers of up to 90 m height, all piers monolithically connected to superstructure. Preliminary design, analysis and detailed structural design for execution (while working for VSL Korea, Seoul). |
Bang Na - Bang Pli - Bang Pakong Expressway, Thailand. Viaducts for 54 km of elevated highway including 28 ramps with 28 elevated toll plazas, 14 platforms for surveillance buildings, and one interchange; superstructure and portal frames designed as precast segmental concrete box girders with external post-tensioning. Analysis and detailed structural design for execution (while working for J. Muller International, San Diego). |
Confederation Bridge (Northumberland Strait Crossing Project), Canada. Highway bridge between Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick; main bridge consists of 43 continuous box girder spans of 250 m each; precasting of large post-tensioned concrete elements onshore; severe environmental and progressive collapse loads. Analysis and detailed structural design for execution (while working for J. Muller International, San Diego). |
Railway Bridge Düsseldorf-Neuss, Germany. Bridge for four railway tracks over Rhine River with main span of 250 m and side span of 135 m; continuous steel truss; main span stiffened by steel arch; rthotropic steel deck; erection of truss by incremental launching; welding of all structural shop and site joints. Analysis and detailed structural design for execution (while working for Krupp Industrietechnik, Duisburg). |
Extra-Dosed Bridge, Korea. Highway Bridge at Seoul, Korea with one main span of 115 m and two side spans of 65 m; prestressed concrete box girder supported by slightly inclined stay cables. Study on stay-cable vibrations.
Specifications and concepts for the design of prestressed concrete box girder bridges. Joint research project with the Korea Institute of Construction Technology (KICT); comparison of international specifications and design practice in the field of prestressed concrete box girder bridges. |
Triebischbach Bridge, Germany. New highway bridge in the State of Sachsen crossing the Triebischbach Valley, two three-lane viaducts of 430 m length each, spans up to 84 m, mono-cellular steel boxes launched incrementally with cast-in-place post-tensioned concrete deck. Alternative designs for bidding. |
Bridge Infrastructure Renewal Program, Washington, D.C. Research and development program funded by the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA); transfer of defense technology to bridge engineering applications; use of fiber-reinforced plastics (composites). Feasibility study and conceptual structural design (while working for J. Muller International, San Diego).
Carquinez Strait Bridge, California. Cable-stayed highway bridge with two main spans of 350 m and two side spans of 150 m; precast concrete deck in composite action with spatial steel pipe truss girder. Preliminary structural design including flutter analysis and design of steel truss nodes and connections (while working for J. Muller International, San Diego). |
Rio Santa Lucia Bridge, Uruguay. Highway bridge over Santa Lucia River near Montevideo with spans of 75 m - 155 m - 155 m - 75 m; continuous post-tensioned concrete box girder to be erected in cast-in-place balanced cantilever construction. Tender design; first place in international design competition and bidding (while working for Noronha Engenharia, Rio de Janeiro). |
Bridge over Enz River, Germany. Suspension bridge for pedestrians on the site of the State Garden Exhibition at Pforzheim. Design of a tuned-mass damper. |
Santos Bridge, Brazil. Highway bridge between Santos Island and continent including two cable-stayed bridges with main spans of 600 m. Feasibility study and preliminary structural design (while working for Noronha Engenharia, Rio de Janeiro). |
Rama IX, Thailand. Cable-stayed bridge in Bangkok. Alternative designs for bidding (while working for Krupp Industrietechnik, Duisburg). |
Großhesselohe Bridge, Germany. Railway bridge at Großhesselohe near München; steel truss in composite action with concrete deck. Alternative design for bidding (while working for Krupp Industrietechnik, Duisburg). |
Grünental Bridge, Germany. Combined highway and railway bridge over the Kiel Canal; continuous steel truss with orthotropic steel deck. Alternative designs for bidding (while working for Krupp Industrietechnik, Duisburg). |